Criminal Defense Lawyer, DUI Lawyer, Drug Offense & Possession Lawyer - Easton, PA - Lehigh Valley
At the Law Office of Timothy J. Prendergast, we are dedicated to the effective, aggressive and compassionate representation of our clients. We uphold the highest standards of ethics and professionalism in providing our clients with comprehensive legal representation and consultation in the Lehigh Valley, PA. We are dedicated to the principles of justice and fairness and will not rest until we can provide our clients all the necessary remedies under the law. We strive to be compassionate, empathetic and understanding in listening to our clients and providing them with the means necessary to solve their problems.
If you need a lawyer in Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, PA or the surrounding areas of the Lehigh Valley, please visit our contact page or call 610-252-9719.
At the Law Office of Timothy J. Prendergast, we are not satisfied until you are.
We take all forms of payment including Venmo, Cash App, PayPal, all Major Credit Cards and Zelle.

Our Practice Areas

Drug Possession Lawyer
If you’ve been charged with any type of drug offense, or possession, it is absolutely vital that you hire counsel immediately. An experienced drug offense attorney can mean the difference between being charged with a felony, paying huge fines and spending years in prison.

Criminal Defense Law
Being charged with a crime doesn’t have to change the course of your life, but it can. Tim Prendergast, criminal defense attorney, works with you to minimize the charges and can make all the difference in the outcome of your trial.

DUI Lawyer
DUI charges can have an extremely damaging effect on your life. Depending on your blood alcohol content at the time of your arrest, your punishment for a first-time DUI can range from probation to months in prison. Let Tim Prendergast start working immediately on your defense.