Drug Offense and Possession Lawyer
If you’ve been charged with any type of drug offense, or possession, it is vital that you hire counsel immediately. An experienced drug offense attorney can mean the difference between being charged with a felony, paying huge fines and spending years in prison, or incurring a minor charge and possibly keeping a conviction off your record.
A drug conviction of any type comes with serious consequences and will negatively impact your life for years to come. In Pennsylvania, these consequences can include loss of employment, suspension of your driver’s license, inability to secure student loans, being banned from owning a firearm, prison time, fines, loss of child custody, and more. If you have been charged with any kind of drug offense, it is important you call us today.
Some of the more serious consequences include:
Drug Possession
- For a first offense of drug possession:
A misdemeanor that carries up to one year in jail, and a fine of up to $5000.
- Second offense (and further offenses):
A misdemeanor that carries up to three years imprisonment and a fine of up to $25,000.
- Possession of small amounts of Marijuana (less than 30 grams for personal use):
A misdemeanor that carries up to 30 days in jail, a fine of up to $500, automatic license suspension for a minimum of six months, and a criminal record.
- Possession of large amounts of Marijuana (more than 30 grams):
A misdemeanor on your permanent criminal record, up to one year imprisonment, and a $5000 fine. If this is not your first offense or you have other criminal charges pending, sentencing and penalties can be doubled.
- Possession of drug paraphernalia:
A misdemeanor that carries up to one year imprisonment, and a fine of up to $2,500.
Possession With Intent to Deliver
Being charged with Possession With Intent to Deliver Controlled Substances (PWID) can carry harsher penalties. Dealing, growing, transporting, producing, and fraudulently obtaining drugs is considered a felony and in addition to state charges you can also be charged with a federal crime. The penalties for PWID depend on many factors, including the type of drug involved, the amount of drugs involved, and your criminal history. Even if you only had the drugs for personal use, if you are caught with a large enough quantity, the prosecutor can still charge you with Possession With Intent to Deliver.
A person who is convicted of PWID can spend anywhere from one to five years in prison and be fined anywhere from $5000 to $50,000. In addition, if you are found guilty of PWID your personal property is subject to forfeiture – this means the government can seize any property they think was used for drug trafficking or was obtained as a result of drug trafficking.
Drug Paraphernalia
Drug possession charges are often accompanied by drug paraphernalia charges. Convictions for these charges come with fines up to $2,500 and up to a year in prison. Drug paraphernalia includes glass pipes, roach clips, bongs, syringes, injecting kits, and even spoons. If you have been charged with Drug Paraphernalia, call us today.
If you’ve been charged with a drug offense, call The Law Office of Timothy J. Prendergast now. Drug charges carry serious consequences, having an experienced criminal defense attorney represent you will make all the difference in your case. You need a lawyer who knows how to navigate the criminal justice system and who has the experience to build the best case for your defense.